5 days stopping
Welcome to 2020. I can’t believe we are already two weeks in! It’s been an interesting transition: to move on from the teens and into the tweens of the twothousands. People seem unusually excited and hopeful, yet there are the the news of real-life effects of global warming, and big political upheavals and tensions in the world. Everything feels a little precarious right now, surprisingly different from how I felt just two weeks ago, when I spent 5 days stopping.
Stopping what? Running around, being busy, getting things done – all the things an entrepreneur does. Instead, over the holidays, I turned inwards by participating in an urban meditation retreat. This particular retreat emphasized stillness: of body, of speech, of mind. We were encouraged to take these disciplines ‘home’ with us everyday – the challenges of an urban retreat. Even talking to the dog was called out.

Oh how amazingly refreshing these five days of stillness were.
If you know anything about me, you may know that maintaining a healthy body is as important to me as working with my mind. So every other day, I showed up at the gym at 6am, before heading to the meditation hall. Yes! Felt great.

I returned to my studio incredibly refreshed and inspired, and am cooking up something new for you – to be revealed shortly! My newsletter will probably be where I will first show this new piece, so if you have not already, you might want to sign up for that!
In the meantime, you can have a look at all the one-of-a-kind Onefooter rings which I finally had time to photograph and get up on the website. Many of you will have seen these in person in Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, or Halifax, as I took them to shows and open houses across the country. If you had one you were particularly fond of, search for its One-of-a-kind number. Or narrow your search by size or type of stone via the Filter box on the shop page.