Thank you for stopping by!

Now that the holiday shows on both ends of the country are over, I wanted to say a big Thank You to everyone who came to say Hi in Vancouver and Halifax. I really enjoy taking my work out in…
My home-town show

Oh my dear Halifax, how happy I am to be home! Just today, I was interviewed for a documentary series featuring immigrant business owners. Of course I was asked what brought me here (serendipity), what got me into jewellery making…
Vancouver’s CircleCraft Market 2018

Well, my friends, I can’t quite believe it, but it appears that it’s time again already for me to return to Vancouver. August’s Harmony Arts Festival in West Van seems just yesterday! I am very excited to come once again…
BIG news!

Look what I did: Yup. that’s right: a few weeks ago, I married my sweetheart of ten years, and friend for 30. We had the simplest of ceremonies, right in our living room. My best friend, who happens to be…
Introducing my Jewellery Cleaner

My customers have been asking me for years how they should clean their Onefooters, so I set out on a search over the past year and a half to try and find the exact right formula. I tried a number…
West Vancouver

I am so excited to be back in the studio after my Vancouver Summer Show, the Harmony Arts Festival. This lovely event is held on the shores of WestVancouver, and includes not only artisans of high calibre, but also lots…
Summer Shows Coast-to-Coast!

I am delighted to introduce a new design of earrings this summer, which will launch Coast-to-Coast this weekend! First, at the CraftNS show in downtown Halifax (Victoria Park, corner Spring Garden and South Park Streets): Friday, July 20 – 10am…
On Excellence: An Ode to Joe

I am not a food writer. All I know is that Chef Joe MacLellan makes food that completely blows my socks off. And he will no longer be doing this (for now). And that makes me super sad. Joe has…
Maritime Made

I had the great fortune to hear singer songwriter Lesley Feist in concert this weekend here in Halifax. What an incredible show! I have been a listening to her music for a couple of decades. I am just so deeply…

I snuck away. Very far away. An almost silly 30 hours travel far away, to the remote lake Atitlan in rural Guatemala. A friend of a friend had moved there, among a fairly well represented expat US/Canadian community. Otherwise, I…
I am a Goldsmith

Sometimes people are surprised that I call myself a goldsmith, since I also work with silver. I thought I’d demystify that discussion for you. There are two main reasons for the decision to use this term. The first is actually…
Meet Aryam!

Ah, I am finally back in the studio. Luckily, I have a new sidekick, who held the fort during my absence. Meet Aryam Zubizarreta Perez! Let me give you a little background: I started my business in 2005, while still…
Meanwhile, in Vermont

If I’ve been a little silent over here of late, it’s because I took off for a bit! Right after New Year’s, I left for Vermont, to apply my creativity in a completely different way: cooking. You might know that…