My goodness, March already?
January and February were tradeshow months, where gallery owners find artist whose work they’d like to carry. I will introduce you to the new galleries that carry my work, soon! But today I wanted to tell you about some very sweet artists I met at the Buyers Market of American Craft in Philadelphia, and at the Atlantic Craft Tradeshow in Halifax.
These shows are not only about selling, but also have a community-sort-of effect. It is always wonderful to meet fellow craftspeople, and exchange knowledge and ideas.
His year I had particulalry good luck with my booth neighbours. As you will know if you follow me on Facebook , Twitter, or Instagram, indeed if you read this blog: family is important to me. In Philadephia I had a wonderful example of good joyous family bonds right across the aisle from me.
Sherry Tinsman and her family were kind and generous from the get-go, by offering me help during set-up. To observe their good humour, consideration for one another, and joy in each other throughout the show was absolutely delightful.

Back in Halifax, after being delayed by a day due to snow storms in various places, I went on to do the Atlantic Craft Tradeshow, the only wholesale show North of Toronto that is devoted to fine crafts! Here, too, I had excellent booth neighbours: Cara and Pam from The Grumpy Goat Gallery in Newfoundland. They were just so much fun, and so is their website and blog, so check it out! Unfortunately, I never got a good photo, but here you see the view from my booth over to theirs last month at ACTS.

These tradeshows are a lot of work, but meeting lovely artisans like these ones really puts a positive spin on things. I hope they are all doing well during this long and hard winter.