Personal, Contemplative, Societal
Looking back on 2024: Family Reunion

In May of 2024, I was able to take a trip back to Germany for a family reunion. I wrote the following Sunday Letters about my experience reconnecting with memories, places, and people. This past week has seemed like a…
Custom vs Bespoke

About once a week, I send a client away. “What business owner in their right mind would do this??” you might ask. “One that has very thoroughly thought about what they enjoy doing,” I would reply. And because the difference…
Above and Beyond ‘Recycled’ Silver and Gold

Recycling was cool. Remember when recycling was the coolest thing? We were feeling ok about using plastic copiously, because we could recycle it. Remember when buying something made from ‘recycled plastics’ made you feel kinda good? And then we found…
Peru Protests

Oh there is just so much violence right now. What is happening in Iran is awful. The suffering continues in Ukraine. Haiti, Yemen, Ethiopia, Myanmar. And in Peru the death toll of protesters being killed by police is rising. President…
Relax and Open

This morning is such an interesting one. So varied for so many people. Some will be exhausted from preparations late into the night, from creating magic in their children’s lives, who will wake excitedly and too early. Others will feel…
Gold with a Conscience: Why I’m using ethical Fairmined ECO Gold

Why Fairmined Gold? For months now, I have been experimenting with a new technique, making sample after sample, fiddling with results, and continuously improving the design and new technique. And I have been doing a lot of thinking, because ……
Joyful Low-carb Living

BIG news!

Look what I did: Yup. that’s right: a few weeks ago, I married my sweetheart of ten years, and friend for 30. We had the simplest of ceremonies, right in our living room. My best friend, who happens to be…
Me, too

three, actually. This wave of anger and tenderness, which has breeched its virtual banks and spills into real-life conversations daily. It makes my daughters call me to have deep conversations. The aspect I am most grateful for is the spreading…
‘Good’ Art

I had the wonderful opportunity to see Spanish dance troupe Compañía Sharon Fridman this weekend here in Halifax. Led by award winning Israeli choreographer, Sharon Fridman, this remarkable contact-dance based company from Madrid has toured Europe and Asia extensively, and Halifax…

Maybe it is the brain of the creative that makes metaphors so often. Here is a fresh one just from last night. I recently started watching a very cool Netflix original documentary series called Abstract: the Art of Design. Definitely…
A Fort McMurray Onefooter Story

I am very fortunate that a big part of what I do involves making people happy, bringing them joy with the pieces I make. And I love making connections with people through my work. Often, these can be very touching…
Time Away

If my social media accounts have been quiet of late, and I have been slow to respond to e-mails, it is because I unplugged at a retreat centre for a while. I spent almost two weeks at wonderful Dorje Denma…