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*Caveat on using the term “recycled gold”:

While I am very careful to source my precious metals only from SCS® certified suppliers (SCS® stands for Supply Chain Sustainability; they are the global leader in the field of sustainability standards and third-party certification). Most of my precious metals suppliers are also members of the Responsible Jewellery Council. However, I want to point out that ‘recycling gold' is not what is commonly understood by the term.

True recycling avoids things ending up in landfills. Gold, of course, wouldn’t.

Instead, gold is simply melted, refined and repurposed.

Although SCS® certified refineries must maintain auditable records of their suppliers, there are loopholes globally which make it very easy for gold from unregulated and/or illegal sources to enter their supply chain.

This makes even 'certified recycled' gold untraceable.

Further reading:
Is Recycled Gold Ethical?
Materials, Sustainability, & Fairmined Metals


Crafting Families

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My goodness, March already?

January and February were tradeshow months, where gallery owners find artist whose work they’d like to carry. I will introduce you to the new galleries that carry my work, soon! But today I wanted to tell you about some very sweet artists I met at the Buyers Market of American Craft in Philadelphia, and at the Atlantic Craft Tradeshow in Halifax.

These shows are not only about selling, but also have a community-sort-of effect. It is always wonderful to meet fellow craftspeople, and exchange knowledge and ideas.

His year I had particulalry good luck with my booth neighbours. As you will know if you follow me on Facebook , Twitterou Instagram, indeed if you read this blog: family is important to me. In Philadephia I had a wonderful example of good joyous family bonds right across the aisle from me.

Sherry Tinsman and her family were kind and generous from the get-go, by offering me help during set-up. To observe their good humour, consideration for one another, and joy in each other throughout the show was absolutely delightful.

Sherry Tinsman with husband Dan, and daughters Kaya and Emeline
Sherry Tinsman with husband Dan, and daughters Kaya and Emeline

Back in Halifax, after being delayed by a day due to snow storms in various places, I went on to do the Atlantic Craft Tradeshow, the only wholesale show North of Toronto that is devoted to fine crafts! Here, too, I had excellent booth neighbours: Cara and Pam from The Grumpy Goat Gallery in Newfoundland. They were just so much fun, and so is their website and blog, so check it out! Unfortunately, I never got a good photo, but here you see the view from my booth over to theirs last month at ACTS.

The Grumpy Goat booth with its colourful carved and painted pieces, across from my booth
The Grumpy Goat booth with its colourful carved and painted pieces, across from my booth

These tradeshows are a lot of work, but meeting lovely artisans like these ones really puts a positive spin on things. I hope they are all doing well during this long and hard winter.


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