Meet the artist: Antigonish and Halifax
Wow. This is not meant to be a journal of unfortunate circumstances, but before I get ‘back to business’, I cannot help acknowledge the tragic loss of yet another friend:
bright light, strong force, and all around amazing human being, artist Zoe Nudell, age 33, died last night. I can’t say it any better than my daughter did on her Facebook post this morning:
” I grew up with the energetic and enthusiastic spirit of Zoë Nudel in my life. She was a part of women’s circles at my school and taught me what it meant to be free and independent. She was hit by a drunk driver while jogging which sent her to the hospital in critical condition. She passed away last night. For those who knew her, keep her in your hearts and minds and practice as she moves through her bardo experience. For those who don’t, that’s truly too bad.
Please remember: no matter what, do not drive impaired. ”
Emma, age 18
I cannot stress Emma’s last comment enough: do not drive impaired!!! And not because you could be stopped and ticketed, but because you could kill somebody!!
This is unbelievably sad news. It’s really really hard not to ask “Why?”.
My heart goes out particularly to Zoe’s father, and her partner. Gosh, life is so fragile!
There is a small article about the circumstances ici, and a small first tribute ici.

It’s a bit difficult to keep going, but it seems that life goes on, and I continue to make jewellery, despite these sad news. You will have an opportunity to see me and my work two weekends in a row! First, I will be at Aphrodite Art and Fashion in Antigonish, NS, as part of their PRE-CHRISTMAS GODDESS EVENT, next Sunday, November 10th, from noon to 4pm. I will be there along with Barb Stegemann and her ethical fragrance line 7 Virtues, and artists Clare Bridge et Lisa Nishi. Afternoon tea and cakes will be served, and, even better, I will have some gold Onefooters with Canadian diamonds with me!

The following weekend will be the amazing annual Nova Scotia Designer Crafts Show at the Cunard Centre. This juried show presents the best of fine craft in Nova Scotia; make sure to mark your calendars now!
And so I head back to the bench, holding Zoe and her family in my heart.