More South Shore …. the PaPa!
I was so fortunate to have yet another South Shore adventure! There were not just fabulous meals last weekend …. many elements drew together to further my “research” for that body of work about hull lines, boats, sailing, etc. Let me tell you all about it!
I knew we’d have to work on the PaPa when I got to Riverport last Saturday morning, but we all weren’t sure to be going out on her at all. Alas, after working through the drizzle of mid-day, in the end we were able to fix all the sails and motored out to anchor someplace calm ….

The sunset was amazing!! The full day of getting the boat ready and out there was followed by an amazing meal of prime rib roast, cooked on the boat by the captain himself! (with yummy sides by the loyal crew :). A lovely time was had, until is was time to go to the bunks and get a good night’s rest before the chores of the next day.

She is such a beautiful boat, with so many intelligent, beautiful touches by master boat builder (and owner!) John Steele of Covey Island Boatworks:

We woke Sunday morning to a glorious day, and started it properly with a good breakfast!

And then it was time to raise the sails for the first time this year!

The day turned out sunny and hot (although, of course, cool on the water), but with fluky winds. This was my first time to experience real beam-winds (?), where the waves come from the side of the boat and just really take you way up and way down (or should I say way left and way right), playing with your guts and their content …. nice. I made it ok, though, phew! Here is an archive photo of PaPa with her sails up:

When winds grew calmer, I even got to go on the helm myself! I was ecstatic!!!

In the end, we made it into Lunenburg harbour to PaPa’s mooring.

I guess we were too busy to talk about hull lines much (although John and I did discuss centre of effort of the sail, et cetera). I hope to be aboard this lovely ship some time during the upcoming Schooner race week in Hubbards ….
And we’ve discovered that you can see her sitting at her mooring in real time ici any time from one of Nova Scotia’s live webcams! How cool is that ….