Relax and Open
This morning is such an interesting one. So varied for so many people.
Some will be exhausted from preparations late into the night, from creating magic in their children’s lives, who will wake excitedly and too early.
Others will feel their sense of loneliness louder this morning: because they are far away – in time or space – from their loved ones, or because they have lost someone.

And for some, this will be a weirdly silent day, which – in their culture – would be just another ordinary day, or the last day a week of celebrations.

And how interesting: these storms across the entire North American continent. So many people thought they’d finally get to celebrate Christmas with their loved ones again, after 2 years of pandemic. Instead they spent days in and around airports.
For us, these very annoying travel circumstances turned into a blessing of sorts: my daughter Emma was boarded and started take-off procedures twice in Halifax on Thursday afternoon and night, until she was finally sent back – hours later. So we ended up with another couple of days with her. This gave us the chance to bake cookies together, using the cookie cutters my mother and grandmother used! And yesterday an afternoon of board games and tea, including Natalie, who finally took a break from her new restaurant Fawn, which is doing amazingly (they have a new year’s Levee – if you can still get a table!).
Emma was scheduled to finally depart in a few hours from now, on her way to see her god-daughter in Germany, before heading back to her current home: Los Angeles. But we got another re-book by 10pm last night, and again at 2am. So we’ll see…
For me, today is a day of connecting with my siblings and friends. And reflecting.
If you’ve been reading my Sunday Letters for a while, you will know that this year has been incredibly full – so rich.
For this, I consider myself lucky. And for this, I am exhausted.
I loved bringing you Fairmined Gold – making such a difference in the lives of people along the entire supply chain really means a lot to me.
(Planning to start on some more of these earrings soon:)

Birthing the série Script OCEAN rings has filled me with joy – I cannot wait to bring you further pieces in the series as they arise in my hands and heart. Oh hey, and I made yet another one this week – check it out ici.

And I had the pleasure and privilege to make some very special custom pieces – Thank you for putting your trust in me to create that special piece for you or to re-imagine your heirlooms.
For 2023, my plan is to Relax and Open – in many ways. Mainly, to my designs.
I have always said that I am only the conduit for the designs to come into the world. The more I can relax and open, the more will flow. So this is what I am look to do
This also includes self-care and connecting with dear friends.