5 days stopping

Welcome to 2020. I can’t believe we are already two weeks in! It’s been an interesting transition: to move on from the teens and into the tweens of the twothousands. People seem unusually excited and hopeful, yet there are the…
Meanwhile, in Vermont

If I’ve been a little silent over here of late, it’s because I took off for a bit! Right after New Year’s, I left for Vermont, to apply my creativity in a completely different way: cooking. You might know that…
Time Off

It’s important to have balance in one’s life. As a hard-working artist and entrepreneur, it might even be doubly important, because artistic inspiration has to come out of a sense of balance and spaciousness. So I take some time off…
To take a breather

Talk about breath: the Avondale Garlic Festival was a lot of fun. I love the events those folks put on: excellent quality of everything! I thought I’d take a moment and talk a little bit about where I buggered…
Retreat on Cape Breton Island

You may have noticed that I have been kind of quiet on the social media front of late? That was because I had the very good fortune to go on a ten-day meditation retreat at Gampo Abbey, a Buddhist monastery…