This Egg is My Teacher
Perhaps, when it comes to lifestyle, eggs may be my best teacher.
Strange statement? Certainly. But it occurred to me this morning, and I will tell you why:
I am an entrepreneur, and I am a woman. These two things alone make me likely to want to overachieve, or at the very least always trying to do at least three things at once. On top of this are less definable attributes, astrological and cultural: I am an Aries, and I am German. This equals even more drive!
On the other hand, the artist and the jeweller in me strives for elegance and precision, insists on perfection. It is precisely in this junction of left and right brain one could say, where the egg comes in as teacher. I can make all kinds of fancy eggs, different kinds of omelettes, poached eggs, hollandaise sauce and all. Of late, however, I have started taking a liking to perfectly softboiled eggs.
In theory, I know exactly how to achieve this. However, once again this morning my egg was almost hard-boiled. Why? Because I was meanwhile doing three other things! When I took a knife with élan to my egg, swiftly taking its top third off, and revealing the Oh-so-ever-imperfect yolk, this is what I was thinking:
“This egg is an excellent teacher! If I had only been in the present moment, attended to this one thing properly, I would have the result I had hoped for.”
I shall let this be my guide for this day.

Speaking of this day: today, the last of my holiday shows starts – I will be at Dalplex starting at noon today. If you haven’t yet – come see me!