Presenting: AUTOMATON20.21 a virtual exhibition
a virtual exhibition
and the unique piece I created for it
The Virtual Event was only up for one week, so you missed it. But you can still see my presentation (link: AUTOMATON20.21)
I rarely get to make pieces for exhibition these days. It takes a tremendous amount of time to work through concepts, experiment with materials, develop a conceptual framework, and find its tangible expression for a particular topic. It is always thrilling to finally present such a piece after its almost year-long incubation period.
5 Canadian and 5 Spanish artists were chosen to each create a piece that represents the effects of new technologies on human behaviour, and its influences on fashion, the arts, the economy, consumption, and everyday life over the last 100 years. For me, this landed with pearls – since those came into the world in much larger quantities exactly a hundred years ago, and with the use of mobile phones for communicating. I critically examine information flow and expression: what are we really saying in those social media posts?
I can’t say too much more until the big reveal:

The Automaton Exhibition was a collaboration between 5 Spanish and 5 Canadian artists.
The project was to be presented at Madrid Joya in Spain, and later at George Brown College in Toronto. We’ll see what comes of it!
Even though I did not get to go to Madrid, attend the cocktail reception at the Canadian Embassy and other events, I am kinda glad that this way, more people can see the work.
The Virtual Event was only up for one week, so you missed it. But you can still see my presentation, here: AUTOMATON20.21
On the day of the Opening, on Thursday evening Sept 17th, I will be interviewed by MetalAid live on IGTVat 6:30pm ADT, 2:30pm Pacific. Tune in!