Thank You Vancouver, Hello Halifax!

The CircleCraft Market in downtown Vancouver was once again a wonderful show this year, with tens of thousands of visitors. The quality of work represented there is simply outstanding – I have a tough time every year, trying not to…
Square One

Materials and Process – Passions of a Goldsmith – that was the title of my graduating exhibition at NSCAD University’s Anna Leonowens Gallery in 2004. So long ago! Good early perception, though: I already knew that my passion for the materials…
Thanks, CircleCraft Market Vancouver!

I have just returned from the CircleCraft Market in Vancouver. I very much enjoy coming to Vancouver twice a year to show my work, and look forward to returning again in the summer, for CircleCraft Summer and the Harmony Arts…
Love from Coast to Coast, and over the pond!

I just finished two outdoor summer art markets: first in Halifax, then in Vancouver, British Columbia, returning today from the West Coast. As much as I enjoy making things in my studio, it is always such a delight to bring…
Society of North American Goldsmiths Conference

Did you know that even artists can gather in a nerdy, geeky kind of way? Almost a thousand ‘makers and educator in metal’ gathered for the recent annual gathering of the Society of North American Goldsmiths’ conference, SNAG, held this…
Another step

Last week, I found myself in a boardroom of the cultural federations of Nova Scotia, giving a presentation on my career, on the work I have done since I began studying jewellery design in 1999. It was an incredibly interesting…
NSDCC Designer Craft Show at Cunard Centre

My favourite event of the year is coming up: the Designer Craft Show put on by the Nova Scotia Designer Craft Council. You are warmly invited to come down to the Cunard Centre this weekend and enjoy all the wonderful…
Meet the artist: Antigonish and Halifax

Wow. This is not meant to be a journal of unfortunate circumstances, but before I get ‘back to business’, I cannot help acknowledge the tragic loss of yet another friend: bright light, strong force, and all around amazing human being,…
NSDCC Designer Craft Show 2013, Halifax

As an artist, I suffer from the affliction of continously seeing new things, new possibilities, discovering fresh ways of looking at a subject, and being constantly inspired by what I see. Like when I was stepping out of my studio…
That was fun

The NSDCC Christmas Craft Show last weekend was once again a wonderful event. I loved seeing all my clients, and meeting new ones, and it’s also always fun to hang around the other artisans. I really enjoy talking about my inspirations…
Come see the new work!

Ah yes, it’s been a busy time in the studio. I have some brand new pieces I’d like to introduce to you. They are very much inspired by my recent forays into blacksmithing, see this previous post. You have a…
Sunshine, and Showers of Praises

Positive feedback …. I had forgotten how important that is. The NSDCC Summer Craft Show this past weekend was a real feast of it for me! First, a lady stopped by the booth, really eager to meet me, because of…