More new rings coming to the website shortly

Aye, it’s been quite the whirlwind season! Since the early Fall, much has happened, but more about that later. Regardless of challenges, I have been making lots and lots of new OneOfAKind rings with stones. Sadly, you would only have…
A time of Fruition

I love this time of year so much – the abundance of the earth’s fruits evident everywhere. We also see of course the havoc which nature can create – my thoughts go out to those effected by the storms and…
Style Advisor & Custom Onefooter Rings

I was so delighted to have been given a big splash in a recent edition of the Globe & Mail’s Style Advisor, in an article about the jewellery scene in Nova Scotia. It is very nice to receive such acknowledgement,…
With Rings on My Fingers and Bells on my Toes …. Returning to CircleCraft in Vancouver

I am very excited to return to Vancouver next week for the annual Circle Craft Market. This year it feels like I am coming into that fair city on the other end of our changing country with ‘rings on my fingers…