The Privilege of creating Custom Rings
I feel so very privileged to, as a goldsmith, play a part in people’s journeys.
Several times, I have had the honour to create a special ring celebrating a journey with cancer.

When another woman first contacted me, she wrote “ I have been searching for probably 3 years for a ring design to reset my engagement ring diamond in. I love your rings and feel like they are exactly what I have been looking for. I have been married 24 years and beat cancer (so far) and this design just really seems to represent the journey of life. Crazy. Unique. Unpredictable” . We spent quite a bit of time discussing material and design options via email, before I custom-made her rebirth ring for her.

When she received it, she sent me an email with a photo of the ring on her hand, and the words “Mind BLOWN!!! Thank you so so much. I adore it.”
One customer was looking for a ring that would bring to mind Caribbean waters. We were throwing gemstone options back and forth across this vast land of ours via email and telephone calls, before we settled on this:

Upon receiving the ring she wrote “Thank you again, very much, for creating such a special piece and for all your time and trouble in helping me. You were more than generous with your time, which I greatly appreciate. I shall remember our discussions as part of the lovely experience leading up to my receipt of your ring.”

I often get to be part of stories of love -such as surprise engagements (I love surprises!), and celebrations of milestones (I recently gave a client a ’35-years-married’ discount, when he ordered a ring for their anniversary – I couldn’t help myself!).
And most recently, a gentleman had placed a special order through one of my representing galleries, whereupon the gallery owner took the trouble to recount this sweet story:

“The whole event was wonderful!! They came in the gallery. Very gorgeous couple. I asked as she was looking at cases, ‘Would you like to make a presentation?’ He was all smiles and agreed. I showed him your beautiful ring in the little pouch. He took it and sighed with pleasure. He turned to her (and almost went down on a knee…more like he bowed his head to her) and handed her the ring.. She gasped with pleasure!! He put it on her finger and it fit perfectly!! They were so, so happy. They went out all cuddly and ecstatic.
Your work was perfect!!! Thank you, thank you” .
These are just some of the special moments I get to be part of. Every one of these people and their stories touch me, and I make each ring with care for that individual and their journey. From time to time, each will pop up in my mind, even years later. I am truly grateful for being able to bring people joy with the work I make.