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*Caveat on using the term “recycled gold”:

While I am very careful to source my precious metals only from SCS® certified suppliers (SCS® stands for Supply Chain Sustainability; they are the global leader in the field of sustainability standards and third-party certification). Most of my precious metals suppliers are also members of the Responsible Jewellery Council. However, I want to point out that ‘recycling gold' is not what is commonly understood by the term.

True recycling avoids things ending up in landfills. Gold, of course, wouldn’t.

Instead, gold is simply melted, refined and repurposed.

Although SCS® certified refineries must maintain auditable records of their suppliers, there are loopholes globally which make it very easy for gold from unregulated and/or illegal sources to enter their supply chain.

This makes even 'certified recycled' gold untraceable.

Further reading:
Is Recycled Gold Ethical?
Materials, Sustainability, & Fairmined Metals


Dorothée prend grand soin de choisir les merveilleuses galeries qui la représentent à travers l'Amérique du Nord, énumérées ci-dessous. Les propriétaires et le personnel de l'une d'entre elles se feront un plaisir de vous aider à trouver la bonne pièce.

Pour une présentation personnelle de l'artiste au travail, visitez Dorothée dans son atelier situé à l'extrémité nord d'Halifax. Il n'y a pas de devanture de magasin, mais elle voit les clients sur rendez-vous. Veuillez prendre rendez-vous ici. Il est aussi possible de commander ses bijoux en ligne, à plusieurs galeries, et à certain marchés et expositions.



Fireworks Gallery, Halifax, Nouvelle-Écosse


Galerie Noël Guyomarc’H Bijoux D’Art, Montréal, Québec


The Art Gallery of Ontario Shop shopAGO, Toronto, Ontario
Gallery Gemma at Alton Mills Arts Centre, Alton, Ontario

British Columbia:

The Avenue Gallery, Victoria, British Columbia



Compliments Gallery, Kennebunkport, ME
Abacus Galleries, Portland, Booth Harbor, and Freeport, ME