A new toy! …oy
Ooooh, I am so excited: I have a new toy!
At the SNAG conference in Seattle, this new ‘high-tech’ tool was introduced: The KNEW saw.
I guess being a tool-junkie comes with the territory of being a craftsperson… I was drooling over this newly developed tool from the moment I laid eyes upon it! It is just so clever. Their construction makes them super-sturdy while remaining very light, and the colour is to die for (sorry, I am a sucker for such things). But best of all is the clever functioning. Normally, one has to brace the saw between the bench and ones shoulder to reach tension for the saw blade. You do this a lot in a day, and you can end up with a bruised shoulder. On these saws, the clever lever design omits this step, which makes changing sawblades quick, easy, and pain-free. I just love well designed tools!
Here are a couple of shots of my first day using it:

Now the bad news is that I took a big dirty blade on that saw deep into my finger a couple of days ago. This was a rather unfortunate event, as work is now difficult. It is amazing how much such a relatively small thing, just not being able to use one finger fully, impedes my work. … really made me realize the fragility of it all!