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The Globe & a Cup of Tea

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I have a tradition or a habit, a luxury really, which I have been trying to build into my life: to read the weekend Globe&Mail on Sunday morning with a cup of tea. I have been trying hard to make this happen; sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.

To understand why this is so special to me you have to realize that, as a self-employed artist with three kids in the house (which I own, on my own!), I work all the time, all the time. There is no such thing as “a weekend’, really, because every day is a work day, and there never cease to be a gazillion things to do. I am not complaining, for I am very content with my life, and am very grateful to be able to do what I love.  And I make sure I have other moments of rest and recuperation in my life: I start almost every day with meditation, I go to the gym, I do something with my kids, I eat with friends, I see fantastic performances of live music, or through my subscription with Live Art Dance, I walk my dog, I practice Kyudo.  And I listen to audio books or excellent music while I work. I have also recently discovered a love of sailing, so in the summer, I will need to make some time available for that.  You can see: I have lots of things I do as balance to working hard, but taking the weekend off work is not part of that (nor is watching TV, by the way).

So taking Sunday morning to read the Globe is a real treat for me.  Needless to say, this weekend, being at the show, I didn’t get to it. I finally made up for it this morning, at least making it through the “Arts”, “Style”, and  “Life” sections.  There, I discovered my horoscope for this past weekend, the show weekend.  Now, I am not a believer in horoscopes particularly; I just kind of glance at them, and they may bring a smile if they seem to speak to what’s happening. Reading this, after the fact, I thought ‘how fitting’.  I had been so worried as to whether or not I could pull this off: doing a show, selling wholesale, et cetera. I saw nothing but problems, had many worries and questions, many of which I dealt with and solved in preparing for the show.

my horoscope for the ACTS weekend

Well, … I did pull it off, and, in fact, was so delighted that I was all smiles all weekend!

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