Harmony Arts Festival • West Vancouver • 2014
The last two weekends at the Harmony Arts Festival in West Vancouver have been just fabulous. I still can’t put my finger on what exactly it is that makes this festival worth crossing the entire continent for. It must be that it is such a fabulous mix of the best of my favourite thing. Let me tell you:
Firstly, consider the location – this annual outdoor festival is situated at Ambleside Park, right on the waterfront in West Vancouver, with a gorgeous view of the open water, and of Vancouver and the island.

Another thing I truly appreciate about the festival is the amazing selection of juried Canadian artisans, situated in these sweet tents, flanked by two stages for concerts throughout the festival.

People are genuinely interested in the work, and understand it well, and love to try it on, considering it on their bodies, and in connection with the pieces they already own.

My Onefooter Series was once again a favourite hit, and was combined in some very nice ways, but the Script series also made a big impression (those of you who follow me on Instagram or Facebook will have seen several photos with this theme).

I really enjoyed the setting of this festival, and took it all in on my daily walks to and from the venue. . This is what I call a pleasant “way home from work”!
I took the opportunity of the mid-week break of the artisan market to do some gallery hunting in Vanouver, and am happy to say I think I will have representation in Vanouver soon. Stay tuned! I also had the great fortune to experience Douglas Coupland’s thought-provoking exhibition at the Vanouver art gallery. I encourage you to watch the video on the gallery website.

Finally, I am on my way back to Halifax, only to depart again at the end of the week for NY Now, a tradeshow in NYC, where galleries and shop owners find artists. Here is to hoping that I will make some good connections there!