London – the adornment

I had such a very busy 2014 – that ‘year of the horse’ sure went at a gallop! So it was with great pleasure that 2015 greeted me with the opportunity to create some brand new, one-of-a-kind work. I had…
Crafting Families

My goodness, March already? January and February were tradeshow months, where gallery owners find artist whose work they’d like to carry. I will introduce you to the new galleries that carry my work, soon! But today I wanted to tell…
Atlantic Craft Tradeshow 2014

“Tradeshows” are where gallery owners place orders for their stores. This is what was happening in Philadelphia, where I have just returned from, and this is what will take place again this weekend in Halifax, at the Atlantic Craft Tradeshow…
New TwoByFour Series wins Award!

My newest Series, TwoByFour, won an award last week, before I could even properly launch it! Let me tell you about it, first: My passion lies in moving metal, and that is exactly what this new series is all about.…
Atlantic Craft Trade Show

Today I will set up my booth at the Atlantic Craft Trade Show here in Halifax. I participate in this wholesale industry event every year, and particularly enjoy seeing all my wonderful colleagues in the high-level crafting community. This will…
Check this out

I have finally buckled to the manifold requests from clients to put stones in my work. And I must say: I like it! What do you think (please do let me know): The price of the pieces will depend on…